JAKARTA, 10 June 2019- ASEAN unveiled today the list of projects in the Initial Rolling Priority Pipeline of Potential ASEAN Infrastructure Projects (Initial Pipeline) under the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025.
The Initial Pipeline projects will complement and strengthen the existing economic and transport corridors by enhancing connectivity and mobilising investments. They form part of the overall infrastructure network necessary to achieve the vision of ASEAN Connectivity.
Secretary-General of ASEAN Dato Lim Jock Hoi emphasised the strong need for continued master planning at the regional level to identify additional connectivity projects. He said, ASEAN and its partners should enhance their cooperation to develop the necessary capacity of the ASEAN Member States to prioritise, structure, implement, and manage projects.
Despite being one of the worlds fastest-growing regions, ASEAN still faces budget constraints and competing demands for resources to address infrastructure investment needs.
The Initial Pipeline is a list of ASEAN infrastructure projects that have satisfied a set of screening criteria and are expected?if certain pre-conditions are met to attract robust investments. The list covers transport, energy, and information and communication technology sectors which will potentially contribute to improving the movement of people, services, goods and innovations among the ASEAN Member States.
ASEAN, with the technical support from the World Bank and funding support from the ASEAN-Australia Development Cooperation Program Phase II, developed the Initial Pipeline through a process to identify and prioritise infrastructure projects at the regional level. ASEAN Member States submitted projects based on their respective national priorities. Through an assessment process of the projects strategic relevance, impact on regional connectivity, environmental and social (E&S) impact, project feasibility, and contracting agencies implementation capacity, 19 projects have been selected for inclusion in the Initial Pipeline (as appears in the list below).
An analysis will be undertaken to determine the appropriate funding/financing options for each of the 19 projects. Pre-feasibility studies, which will include an initial E&S and economic impact assessment, will be carried out for projects that require more detailed supporting studies. Many of the 19 projects are in the early stages of development, and further studies may be needed to determine or verify their underlying economic robustness and identify the risks before a decision is taken to implement these projects.
As a rolling Pipeline, projects can be rolled in or rolled out of the Pipeline. New projects can be submitted for future iterations to roll into the Pipeline, and existing projects with limited progress or changes in circumstances can be rolled out of the Pipeline.
The Initial Pipeline, with financing options and pre-feasibility studies, would be officially launched in November 2019.