To help accelerate investment in infrastructure in the region, the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025 (MPAC 2025) recommended the establishment of a rolling priority pipeline list of potential ASEAN infrastructure projects and sources of funds.
With the technical assistance of the World Bank and the support of the ASEAN-Australia Development Cooperation Program Phase II (AADCP II), ASEAN has developed the Initial Pipeline of ASEAN Infrastructure Projects, which contains viable and sustainable infrastructure projects that have the potential to enhance the movement of people, services, goods, and innovations across ASEAN.
The Initial Pipeline is designed to help ASEAN Member States assess and prioritise infrastructure projects. As projects evolve over time, new projects could be added and/or existing projects completed or withdrawn from the Pipeline. It currently consists of 19 projects across transport, energy, and digital sectors amounting to USD 15 billion worth of estimated investments.
Two booklets were prepared to provide more information on the approach and context in developing the Initial Pipeline as well as overview and financing options analysis for the projects.