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| 1 March 2021
The Mid-Term Review of Master Plan on Connectivity (MPAC) 2025
The Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) 2025, adopted by ASEAN Leaders at the 28th / 29th ASEAN Summits in Vientiane, Lao PDR, in September 2016 aims to achieve a seamlessly and comprehensively connected and integrated ASEAN that will promote competitiveness, inclusiveness, and a greater sense of Community. It comprises…
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| 19 February 2021
The Catalytic Role of Digital Connectivity
Digital connectivity has been driving the transformation of smart and future cities, and delivering better outcomes for economies and societies. COVID-19 has accelerated the pace as more are working, studying and shopping on-line, making digital connectivity a crucial tool in the context of pandemic response and recovery. Digital connectivity infrastructure…
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| 18 January 2021
Infographic – Linkages Among Strategic Areas of MPAC 2025
The Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) 2025 unlocks more opportunities to create stronger network of peoples, infrastructure and cities that will improve the way we live, work and travel. This will be achieved through initiatives implemented across MPAC 2025 five strategic areas, i.e. Sustainable Infrastructure, Digital Innovation, Seamless Logistics,…
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| 2 November 2020
Infographic – Road to ASEAN Connectivity 2025
Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) 2025 is unlocking more opportunities to improve the way people live, work and travel across the region. The journey of MPAC 2025 has come a long way since its adoption in September 2016. Find out more MPAC 2025 journey by downloading this infographic.
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| 23 October 2020
Infographic – Framework for Improving ASEAN Infrastructure Productivity
Sustainable infrastructure is critical to pandemic recovery and adaptation to the new normal. ASEAN, through the Lead Implementing Body for Sustainable Infrastructure (LIB-SI), has developed a Framework for Improving ASEAN Infrastructure Productivity that aims to help ASEAN Member States improve their infrastructure planning, delivery, and operation. Download this infographic to…
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